Katharine Teuschler.
Family law is about engineering the rest of your life. There are, of course, a myriad of legal and financial issues. But there are also highly personal decisions to be made. What’s best for your family? What are the risks? What are the opportunities? What really matters to you?
Katharine Teuschler is the experienced counsel and excellent advocate who will dedicate her exceptional skills to strategically protect you and your rights in all family law matters. With Katharine, you will choose wisely, your questions will be answered and you will be able to plan your future.

In Other Words – What Do You Want Your Future To Look Like?
For over two decades, Katharine “Kate” Teuschler has helped her clients envision, build, and if necessary, fight for their futures. A seasoned strategist, wise counselor and, above all, aggressive advocate, she’s the attorney her clients rely on to help them through one of life’s greatest challenges, and emerge on the other side, ready to move forward.

A Family Law
Specialist Certified By

A Family Law Specialist Certified By
And while these questions are part of any dissolution, they are even more daunting if substantial or complex assets are involved. The questions can be extremely intricate, and the implications can resonate for generations.
Kate is the attorney discerning clients call on. Exceptionally experienced, and with the judgment, discretion and resources these cases demand, she has successfully guided clients through exceptionally demanding negotiations, financial analysis and ultimately a resolution that provides security, clarity, and most of all, a promising future.
Teuschler Family Law is located in the Bay Area and practicing in all surrounding counties.